3 Marketing Strategies Top CVBs and DMOs Use to Garner More Guests

April 16th, 2024
April 16th, 2024
3 Marketing Strategies Top CVBs and DMOs Use to Garner More Guests featured image

Spinning up new marketing strategies to keep your convention and visitors bureau (CVB) or destination marketing organization (DMO) top of mind while staying on budget can make anyone dizzy. That’s why there’s no shame in checking out what your peers are doing to garner guests and boost bookings.

To help, we’ve rounded up three effective tactics that work well for destinations who want to hit their business goals, build connections and loyalty with their guests, and leave them with must-book-again warm fuzzies. Best of all, they’re meaningful, fun to pull off, and easy to implement. No spinning necessary.

Make Inclusivity Mainstream

Running assets featuring minorities in niche publications is a wonderful way to show how inclusive your destination is. But the bravest and best DMOs and CVBs take it one step further: They integrate those assets into their mainstream creative and weave inclusivity into their ethos.

Seeing someone who looks like you standing proudly on top of a mountain, gazing into the distance makes you want to head down to REI, buy new boots and trekking poles, and hit the trail. But if you never see yourself represented except in the publications and places you actively seek out? It stays a far-off dream instead of a near-future reality.

But when minorities see representation outside of where they typically expect to, that’s like putting out the Welcome mat and offering a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies. It’s saying, Hey, we see you. Come check us out.

In the push to layer more inclusive marketing into strategies, it’s easy to pepper in a few assets with minorities and move on to the next task. But if you do that, you’re simply paying lip service. Don’t be afraid to embrace inclusivity and plant your flag — it’s good for your brand.

Play the ‘If This, Then That’ Game to Introduce New and Under-Visited Gems

Whether it’s Spotify or social media, you’re constantly being fed suggestions of content you might like based on the data it has already gathered about you. Do you like alternative rock? Enjoy this throwback from The Black Crowes. It’s a fun way to discover — or re-discover — something you’re likely to like.

Top-performing destinations have taken a page from this algorithm book to serve up suggestions about under-visited spots their guests are likely to love, based on what they’re already interested in. Not only do you get to have fun with crafting these suggestions, but it’s a savvy way to promote new hot spots or longtime hidden gems. The beauty is, you can think of anything!

  • If you love the glistening lakes of Glacier National Park, you’ll love our stunning state park with water as clear as Lake McDonald.

  • If you love slowly strolling through Central Park, you’ll love our lush botanic gardens, featuring our own restaurant whose weekend brunch rivals Tavern on the Green.

  • If you love savoring warm beignets from The French Quarter, you’ll love the confections this local bakery has to offer and lounging in the charming courtyard while enjoying your snack.

Don’t be afraid to get niche and have fun connecting your spot with more well-known locales and opening the door for new, original experiences.

Think Outside the Box for Specialized Interest Itineraries

Family-friendly, date night, girls trip — every destination has a classic set of itineraries. Whether time-based or demographic, these planned-out days are a stalwart in your strategy. But the most strategic DMOs and CVBs are getting even more focused.

Niche, interest-based itineraries are increasingly popular to cater to lifestyle shifts and subcultures. Whether it’s sober travel and tourism, supporting BIPOC-owned businesses, literary trails for book lovers, or brewery tours for craft beer aficionados…these specialized interests attract distinctive audiences. By tailoring itineraries to match what would surprise and delight them, you’re not only giving much-appreciated attention to local business, but you’re creating a connection with guests from a wide variety of backgrounds.

  • A tour for bookworms could feature where to grab a croissant and window shop, reminiscent of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. They could then hit a park where a local revered author was known to gather inspiration, with a stop at a local bookstore where the bookworm gets to sit in on a book reading.

  • A sober travel itinerary could feature your destination’s best places for rooftop mocktails, alternative evening activities to bar hopping, and the best spots to take in the sunrise (no hangovers here!)

  • With multigenerational travel and tourism picking up steam, curate a three-day plan that features less-obvious family friendly activities, where to share the best banana split, and that one restaurant that has something for everyone.

Not all your itineraries have to be very long or detailed, and they can evolve over time. These curated days of discovery are also perfect fodder for your content calendar and cross-channel promotion. Whatever itineraries you decide to design, make sure you’re always on the lookout for can’t-miss additions that will create a connection with your guests.

The best results come from working together.

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